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/ / Roscosmos was the first to apply for Eurasian patent on industrial design / Roscosmos was the first to apply for Eurasian patent on industrial design
Roscosmos was the first to apply for Eurasian patent on industrial design
1 June 2021

The Head of Rospatent Grigory Ivliev handed over the application number 001 “Energy-absorbing cosmonaut chair” of the State Space Corporation Roscosmos to obtain a certificate for a single Eurasian industrial design to the Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO).

According to Grigory Ivliev, certificates on intellectual property rights to software, granted by the EAPO, are still valid in five of the eight countries under the jurisdiction of the organization: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.

The other states will be able to join the process later. Eurasian system of legal protection of software will help to increase the activity of applicants and to promote the software institute in the region, to reduce administrative and financial costs of entrepreneurs, willing to work in Russia and other countries of the Eurasian region.